Green New Zealand : NEW ZEALAND

giancarlobasile : oceania : new zealand : christchurch, oamaru, waihola, te anau, milford sound, wanaka, franz josef, carters beach, marahau, kaikoura, akaroa, christchurch, rotorua, otorohanga, auckland is an exciting traveller community of the world

Green New Zealand

Christchurch, Oamaru, Waihola, Te Anau, Milford Sound, Wanaka, Franz Josef, Carters Beach, Marahau, Kaikoura, Akaroa, Christchurch, Rotorua, Otorohanga, Auckland

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Green New Zealand

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Marvelous New Zealand!!!!!!!


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Cairns (Australia) - Christchurch

We arrive in Christchurch to Cairns in Australia with a flight of virginblue ( a wonderful company that makes low cost international ance. 11:30 to arrive in the evening and of course there is no one at the airport, having got the usual customs formalities we take a taxi that will take us to our hotel the Camelot cathedral in the center.
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Christchurch - Oamaru

After a quick breakfast we take a small bus that takes us back at the airport for just NZD 5, we arrive at the service desk of Maui ( There is only a phone, get up the handset, and We answered one and told that within a short pass to take us. To Maui a few kilometers distant from the airport we take a small camper for two people with toilets all for 700 euros (including collision reduction, first tank of gas paid, dishes, tables outside two chairs, etc..) Rental will last 13 days. After a quick introduction on the position of the discharge and on montažo of sleeping campers climb and so on .... of course with some difficulty dictated by driving on the left and dall'ingombro not own the means negligible (6.60 m). First leg of our journey is Timaru 160 km further along the road 1 is not seen nothing but flocks of sheep is impressive. Come to Timaru to the three ... there is no one .... we have an incredible hunger but not all premises open before 5 fortunately crossed a small sea food take away, where for the modest sum to buy 10 NZD of fries, two fish, fried squid and 1 (yes 1 I wanted to say a piece, I did not know that here in NZ squid sold a piece !!!). Oamaru arrive next stop is already dark, are the 5 in the afternoon. The first stop a nice supermarket where we buy great steaks, the meat here is really something fantastic.
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Oamaru - Waihola

Stanotte time was bad, they felt the powerful gusts of wind that made the move campe, the night is still and quiet in the morning we wake up calmly to 10, do a good breakfast and on. In a short time we reach the Moeraki boulders of nice rocks shaped ball very curious, because the area has numerous striations that make them look like the tortoise carpaci, for the first time we encounter the famous "entry points in interest to offer, in Italy since last ????. Next stop is the best Dunedin or Otago penisula, a really cool place there are some very narrow streets that give virtually on the sea, some with the camper is not the greatest but you can do. The first place to visit is the Larnach castle, the only castle in New Zealand, of course, do not expect European castles, from the castle you can admire a magnificent panorama of the peninsula. Next stop is Taiaroa Heads, the tip of the peninsula, here you can admire the rare penguins the eye yellow. Guides us to go up a half simpaticissimo eight wheels that can easily extricate the muddy dirt. Here we see a colony of seals "hairy" in New Zealand, there are three little tender, the guide explains that the seals of the Southern hemisphere differ from those of the northern hemisphere for the presence of ears (!!!!). Even a visit by a footbridge away from the beach where (they are very rare and only live here in this beach there is the highest concentration) see the eye of the yellow penguins (those after the eye rose in South Africa) returning from a bar of fishing. On the way back we decided to eat at 1908, location to Portobello Dunedin the space is very nice, we eat very well and the waiter / owner is very nice. We leave the peninsula dell'Otago a piazzolina and find where to sleep in Waihola.
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Waihola - Te Anau

Today we have to do a good crossing, up to Te Anau, a city that stands on the banks of the lake. Arriving in a small town we stop in a supermarket, then we see an Internet point where we can write to our friends. Here we find that Raphael sent us photos of our marriage, are the first that we see. A Te Anau our campsite (the first try) is the Mountain View the Top10 (the camps are called holiday park); Tomorrow we go to Milford Sound, the road as planned would be frozen and then decide to buy one of the tour's Trip n tramps (60 euro per person in poiccoli transfer bus and cruise on the fjord).
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Te Anau - Milford Sound - Te Anau

The small bus to take us on time at 8:30 and so we start the mythical fjord Milford (to my knowledge in the world there are three main fjords, are Norwegian, Chileans and those of NZ). Along the way the vegetation changes rapidly, we pass by the typical pasture full of sheep to a bush brown, the hills are quickly replaced by towering snow-capped mountains. Go past the Te Anau Downs on the small bus stops at Lake Gunn, in this pause of about 1 hours we can make a very pleasant circular route lasting about 50 minutes immersed in a luxuriant nature (see first photo) ... it's fantastic the Green is the dominant color here in NZ. Everything beautiful if it were not for the fastidiosissimi pappataci infesting a Murgolo these areas, these animals are smaller than mosquitoes but have a similar bite. After a hot coffee offered by gently guiding continue our race to the Milford Sound, stopping on a piazzoletta where you can enjoy an exceptional view, the time and the dark mist that rises from the dense vegetation that does not increase the aura of charm and mystery that surrounds these pristine areas. In this piazzolina do to stop with a nice friend, the Kea (see photo) the only alpine parrot in the world is at most sociable, you'll be close without being afraid ... it seems that the institution of the New Zealand tourism has paid for entertain tourists. Let our guide that the lonely say that this bird goes to the delicious trimmings of wipers ..... beware!. It is again passing through the famous Homer Tunnel, this tunnel down across 1.3 kilometers long, with no lights ... but just outside the tunnel admire the high mountains with snow suits of blue rivers ... impressive. The road ends at the small harbor where leaving the nvi from "cruise" ours is the Milford marines. Sailing, the fjord is eccenzionale, beautiful as those seen in Norway, there are waterfalls everywhere of all sizes. After seeing the "usual" seal of the colony of NZ we see a flock of dolphins are exceptional, some perform in mighty leaps ... a show. The ship goes to sea in Tasmania, the waves are felt after unabella reverse back to the pier. We return to Te Anau stop from time to time to contemplate this luxuriant nature.
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Te Anau - Wanaka

After you fill up diesel (0.70 NZD per liter) at a time is part of Queenstown. This city looks much anna Roccaraso nostrana only that here is a beautiful lake. After a quick sandwich climb up the hill to go to our Kiwi house. The famous kiwi birds unable to fly actually look like the fruit, or rather seem big hairy chicken with a long beak are very goffi .... but really nice. Because these birds are nocturnal habits of the kiwi house is strictly in the dark so it is impossible to take any photos. After this surprise us give a relaxing walk through the city, there are some great fields where the NZ rugby playing merrily. Wanaka next step it also on a beautiful lake where we can enjoy exceptional views ... unfortunately we can not stop / sleep on the lake.
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Wanaka - Franz Josef

In fact around 7:00 AM one of the police (in civilian clothes) knocks us and invites us to leave little bad today .... we need to do much ... you start towards Haast Pass, the road along the mountain Aspring offering a fantastic landscape, often must slow down because there are bridges to a single lane or a curved elbow to go at very low speed. Surpassed the Fox glacier we arrive at the tiny village of Franz Josef where we camp at the Rain Forest Park (20 NZD).
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Franz Josef

At approximately 10:00 AM (a little late) we go all'Alpine adventure center where 10 NZD for a shuttle takes us to the parking lot of the glacier, where all paths begin, the driver woman reminds us that we will rise to 17 to : 00 if there is ripassa at 18:00 and if there is organizing relief efforts (Gulp !!!). We start small and not very challenging trail Sentinel rock (20 min a / r) a good vantage point where you can see the glacier (though in the distance) in all its glory. We decide to go back and walk along the Douglas to the suspension bridge (seems to be in the film is tough because the adventure) is the Douglas swing (GULP 2 !!!!) bridge. We move quickly to Roberts trak point where in just 6 hours a / r (GULP 3 !!!!!) we arrive at Robert hanging bridges crossing point (where max can go up 1 person) fording a number of rivers and climbing and descending by huge boulders in a path that tends to disappear ... I hope you are good to identify the "man of stone" (there are in fact more or less pebbles children arranged in stacks ...... is not always easy identify the correct route). After 3 long hours of exhausting journey to reach the legendary Robert Point (basically a small area with benches and picnic-style table-) where you can enjoy a breathtaking view of a glacier ...... a beautiful color-rich deep blue crevasses . The show is short and after finished our sandwich we are going to go back ...... and especially before it gets dark !!!!!!!! come to the 17 and 30 to 18 and to the point pass to draw our "shuttle".
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Franz Josef - Carters beach

After filling the tank of the motor start. Often the road we stop to observe the beautiful falcons of New Zealand. The first stop is also known as the Hokitika town of jade. Wander around Tancred street we stop to observe the windows of several shops that sell jewelry in jade and then we stop at the glass studio, a typical store in the area producing animals and objects of all types in blown glass. We head towards Punakaiki Greymouth coming through the Paparoa National Park. Under a constant rain, walk a small trail (about 15 minutes) which brings us to the Pancake rocks Blowholes. These formations are similar to pancakes stacked very curious. Returning to the parking lot across a pair of nice WEKA, other birds unable to fly intent to fight for a small piece of briochina. We put in motion and we arrive at Cape Foulwind and focus on Carters Beach. Stop the Seal colony tourist park where rest this night.
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Carters beach - Marahau

After the usual breakfast cereal and muffin depart in the direction of Nelson on the road number 6. The landscape is varied, we pass by a beautiful coastal scenery mountains. We head towards the Abel Tasman national park ... to meet the road very few cars but many sheep and cattle. We make a small stop at Tapawera and then start to Marahau town situated almost at the entrance to the park. Today has not stopped raining for a moment the last stretch was really hard ... ok ... sleep at Old MacDonald's Farm, this camp is very great, there are pigs, geese, llamas (? ?) and shared bathrooms are a bit rustic, but well suited to its surroundings.
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Marahau - Kaikoura

..... for the whole night has done nothing but rain, but fortunately this morning the weather is acceptable, then give us a nice walk nell'Abel Tasman. This is one of the few parks in NZ coastal, desert and then completely relaxing, after signing on a book that contains the access of tourists walk along a catwalk today's low tide and then you see all over the seabed and populated by many modest crab that we just go see escape. We arrived a few meters to beach Peters, the first beach of the path .... moolto relaxing. Let us return to the camper and way to Nelson, we cross the beautiful sounds of the Marlborough and Kaikoura where we arrive at the stop (usually seen cha we bought the card off the chain TOP10) TOP10 holiday park. Kaikoura literally means food and lobster ... in fact every place you can see small caravan takeaway selling crayfish (lobster) and French fries as the sellers of hot-dog. Of course we decide to try it, take 1 / 2 lobster and chips for 25 NZD.
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Oltre che per l'aragosta Kaikoura è famosa per l'avvistamento del capodoglio (serm whale). Ci dirigiamo alla whale watching per sapere se oggi i tour partono, infatti molto dipende dalle condizioni meteo che a queste latitudini non sono sempre il massimo. Fortunatamente si parte, prendiamo un bus che ci porta al molo fuori città e precisamente a south bay, ci imbarchiamo su di un catamarano nuovissimo e via alla ricerca delle balene. Essendo il tempo non eccezionale, il mare è abbastanza agitato e chiaramente i su e giu non aiutano molto (vomito assicurato), ogni tanto il capitano ferma l'imbarcazione e con un sonar cerca di capire dove sono i capodogli, dopo un paio di uscite a vuoto finalmente riusciamo a vedere il nostro primo capodoglio, è una emozione fortissima. Gli avvistamenti si susseguono, il mare di Kaikoura è effettivamente zeppo di sperm whale, tutti hanno lo stesso comportamento spruzzano un pò d'acqua, si inarcano mostrando la grandisima e possente coda e poi si immergono. Tornando verso casa veniamo "circondati" da un branco di delfini o meglio di lagenorinchi scuri...fantastici...sfiorano la nostra barca e si esibiscono in salti e piroette, per noi che non abbiamo mai visto un delfino è una emozione unica sono veramente pieni di grinta e molto socievoli. Tornati a terra decidiamo di fare una piccola passeggiata per la città in modo da far calmare lo stomaco.
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Kaikoura - Akaroa

We start from Kaikoura and quite soon after 2h 30 'arrive in Christchurch (we did the tour of the south) we extended for another 82 km in the direction of Akaroa in the Banks peninsula. This peninsula NZ has a strange shape of a wagon wheel, the roads and streets traveled to arrive at your destination are obviously desolate and full of curves. Arrived at Akaroa stop all'Akaroa TOP10 holiday park is situated on a hill from which you can see the whole town (650 souls). A small path leads campers in the center, the country is very nice now we see the prevalence of France (the trade are identified as rue) after a quiet stroll decide to stop on one of the many benches on the sea front to watch the sunset.
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Akaroa - Christchurch

Today is our last day with the campers (we fail), in less than two hours arrivaimo to our final goal or Christchurch. Before you deliver the camper we stop in a huge park near the airport, today is Sunday and there is a rugby tournament. Delivered the camper (and paid tax on disel 2.5 NZD/100km us we made 2700 km) take the red bus that only 10NZD brings us to our hotel the Camlot square, practically in the center. We make two steps and visit the Art gallery (a marketplace) and walk along the banks where there are dell'Avon of gondoliers (!!!!) NZD few that do make a trip tomorrow ... it goes on the northern.
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Christchurch - Rotorua

Tonight I have not slept well, maybe I used to drive the camper bed, after paying our hotel (120 NZD) we return to our airport, where a plane at 11:15 a.m. Qantas brings us the (1h) in Rotorua on the the north. The ereoporto of this town is microscopic, in fact there is the usual conveyor belt, but after exiting the airport there is a camionicino them download off (!!!!). We arrive at our hotel, the Regal Geyserland which offers a beautiful landscape of the village on the geyser thermal incredible ... our room overlooking Pohutu practically (in Maori translates the great spray), the largest geyser in the area. One sore point is quite far from downtown and the bus pass with difficulty. We arrive at the center and along the entire Fenton St, we head on the shores of the lake from here to the Anglican church of St Faith's house and meeting in the headquarters of Tamatekapua Maori. Before entering the two facilities we stop at a craft center where some Maori fantastic display items and decide to buy a tiki .... beautiful. Unfortunately, the meeting house you can not visit, and we refer to that reconstructed for tourists located in the spa village of Whakarewarewa (known simply Whaka). Then visit the Anglican church, the beautiful interior is decorated in Maori style, beautiful, there is a window overlooking the lake where Jesus is .. crendo see the effect of walking on water. Today we dedicate a good meal with fish at the bottom of today is our first month of marriage (although in Italy is 16).
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Today we go to the Maori Arts and Crafts Institute which is located practically in our hotel, after paying the entrance fee (per person NZD 19.95) give us a quick breakfast of muffins and cappuccino. The center is structured with a series of pecorsi at this spa, where occasionally you can see the puddles of water and / or boiling mud. Very nice pool is the cooking that actually resembles a cauldron, the "pools of boiling mud are very suggestive and wherever there are clouds characteristic taste of rotten eggs. Near the geyser Pohutu there are a number of benches to sit waiting for the release of geysers that + / - out of every hour. Even here there are kiwi house, it is now almost 12:15 p.m. and cidirigiamo towards the central area of the village where the thermal Te Aronuiarua meeting house, this time you can visit the beautiful (be sure to enter that should remove their shoes). Beautiful, the interior is decorated throughout in wood and painted red, are representatives of various religions of the Maori, all eyes are decorated with the Paua shell iridescent color. At 12:15 the show started, our guide chose a leader of our group and we all back to him outside the meeting house ... at some point leave the Maori in traditional costume, their head comes close to making threats ( the classical expression with Boccaccio and language that comes out vistosamente) ... when it seems about to menarci it changes on the ground and laying a sprig of fern, and the pick and go with the songs of welcome, will finally enter the meeting house where we can enjoy of course the show can not miss the infamous dance of the haka war (the same as the rugby team, all blacks, performed before each match).
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Rotorua - Otorohanga

Now we are almost running out, we arrive at 8:15 to tourism Rotorua where we wait for the bus ( newmans directed to the Waitomo caves, we have planned a stop in Otorohanga small village close to the caves, but if you like provides a bus stop outside the cave as to visit and share in Auckland. Arrived to the caves to pay 25 NZD skull and enter. Initially we see the "usual" cave with stalactites and stalagmites, the rock resembles an elephant, as a kiwi, bla, bla ... the usual things. At some point come to an underground river where we expect a small boat, and climb a few meters after entering a tunnel, it's all covered with these animals the luminescent glow worm ... is an incredible spectacle, never seen anything like it in my life, seem to see the sky full of stars. The glow worm is an insect that uses bioluminescenza to attract insects and papparseli when it becomes an adult insect does not possess the mouth will just have time to reproduce before dying. After this wonder of nature, little known to go more in our residence, the Palm Court Motel, very nice, we know the owner very kind person. In the evening we go to eat at Be'Guinness Bar and Brasserie, eat really well at a good price.
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Otorohanga - Auckland

The bus passes the Newmans puntuale to 13:30, we arrive today at the last stage of our journey ... or Auckland, incredibly for the first time we meet a crazy traffic, we see that we are near a big city. 16:30 We arrive at the bus terminal located under the beautiful sky tower, we head quickly to our hotel, the Auckland city hotel (squallido and dirt). Let us return to the center and go up the tower, the elevator door that is practically on top made of glass, so it's quite impressive. Arrived at the top we can see the whole city lit (board costs 15 NZD plus another 3 to go to the top of the sky deck). We return with the "feet on the ground" and go a little fun, magiamo a kebab on the fly on queen st, and so to bed.
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Auckland - Curti

Last day of vacation, you will return to Italy, we still have some time to this beautiful city Godec. Station Britomat take that Airbus for 15 NZD us at the airport which is about 1h from the city. After purchasing the fee for boarding (25 NZD) we will embark part: Auckland-Brisbane-Singapore-Dubai-Rome ...... 27 hours of travel .... mica male, but we are on the other side of the world !!!!!!!!!!!!.
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  • Giancarlo Basile
  • Età 16990 giorni (47)
  • Curti (CE)
  • "Il vero viaggio di scoperta non consiste nel cercare nuove terre, ma nell'avere nuovi occhi" Marcel Proust


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